Since [the beginning of] time humans and other animals have been dying of all manner of diseases and then buried in the soil, yet not a single major disease is transmitted by it." (Hillel 1991, p. 24).
So, what is it about the soil that makes it so unique? Both the air and the water can spread disease, why doesn't the soil spread disease?
Honesty: Being honest with yourself, is there something you don't understand? Ask. Being honest about your class and homework. Did you work on your own or did you copy from someone else?
Homework: Homework will be assigned almost every night and be incorporated into the following day’s class. A late assignment defeats the purpose of completing it. Therefore, late homework will not be accepted and will be graded as a zero. Assignments include, but are not limited to: worksheets; problem sets; readings; preparing for a discussion/presentation etc.
Make-up Work: You are responsible for obtaining missed assignments. If you know in advance you will be missing class for co-curriculars, an appointment etc. you should notify me in advance at least 2 days in advance.
Late Work Policy: As previously stated, late homework is not accepted. Late projects will be accepted up to three calendar days after the due date. However, each day that the project is late, 10% of the grade will be lost. After the third day the project will no longer be accepted.
Extensions: Extensions will not be given except in the event of extenuating circumstances, so plan your time wisely.
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory at all class meetings. You are expected to arrive on time in be in your seat with your homework and your notebook on your desk. A pattern of tardiness will be regarded as not meeting the expectations of the class and will affect your effort grade.
Class participation: In order to make the most progress in this class you will need to participate actively. Participating in class not only means sharing your ideas but also coming prepared and on time.
Notebook: Must be divided into two sections and have a table of contents:
You must keep a detailed table of contents for your notebook.
Class Rules:
· BE PREPARED! Bring the textbook, your notebook, highlighters and pens/pencils each day.
· BE PRESENT! Both in mind and body. Showing up for class doesn’t mean much if you are daydreaming.
· If you have an unexcused absence from class on the day of a test or quiz you will receive a zero.
· As soon as you need extra help, come find me. Don’t wait!
· NO eating or chewing gum in class. You may bring water.
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