Friday, May 13, 2011

Hooray Blogger is back up and running!

Since blogger was down for almost two days (which felt like an eternity), we are missing the post from Wednesday.

On Wednesday students made a 46 meter timeline that stretched from the gazebo almost all the way to the theater. Each meter represented 100 million years. We were able to take a walk through time and see just how recently the world came to be how we see it today.

Today we watched the first two segments of PBS's Great Transformations video. For Monday you have two assignments. First watch the third segment and answer the following questions:

A. What are three things you learned?
B. What are two things you have questions about?
C. What is one thing you'd like to learn more about?

Part 2:By Monday at 3:35 PM, email me the answers to the following questions:

1. What assignment are you most proud of from this class and why?

2. How does this work demonstrate your skills and abilities in science?

3. What was challenging or interesting about this project?

4. If you had to do this again, what would you do differently?

5. What did you work the hardest on? Was it a specific project, studying for a test, learning to be organized etc?

6. What was the most interesting thing to learn about this spring term? In case you’ve forgotten all that we have done, look back through the blog archive.

7. What were the biggest challenges to your success in this class?

8. How did you work to overcome these challenges?

9. How have you changed as a student from the start of the year to now?

10. What can you teach others about Biology that you couldn't before?

11. Is there a skill that you learned in this class that can help you in other classes, if so what it it? (don't you dare write "nothing" because you are tired of writing.

Part 2:

What are three things you think I do well as a teacher?

What are three things (or areas) where you think I could improve as a teacher?

What is one piece of advice you would give to students who are taking this class next year?

Anything else I should know?

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